全球音樂巨頭Sony Music(索尼音樂)最近出手維護版權,致函全球700多家AI公司和串流平台,要求停止使用未經授權的索尼音樂內容訓練AI模型,據報收到索尼警告信的公司包括OpenAI、微軟、谷歌等AI巨頭,呼籲所有侵權者立即停止行為,否則將追究責任。

Sony Music指一直在積極探索以負責任方式使用人工智能作為創意工具的潛力,從而革新作曲家和音樂藝術家創作音樂的方式。雖然科技的演進經常改變創意產業的軌跡,人工智能亦可能是這個長期趨勢的延續,然而Sony Music強調相關的創新必須確保尊重作曲家和音樂藝術家的權利,包括版權。

Sony Music強調,未經授權使用版權內容訓練AI,將剝奪索尼應得的報酬,且侵權內容不止音樂,還有專輯封面、歌詞等,要求涉事公司在未來一周內提供相關內容的使用詳情。有報導指Sony Music特別致函蘋果和Spotify,要求它們採取措施保護音樂人,防止未經授權的AI公司非法訓練模型。



New York, NY – May 16, 2024 – Sony Music Group (SMG) and its affiliates have invested in the development and promotion of songwriters and recording artists all over the world for more than a century.  SMG is a passionate believer in the inherent and paramount value of human artistry.  Additionally, SMG has been embracing the potential for responsibly produced AI to be used as a creative tool, revolutionizing the ways songwriters and recording artists create music.  We support artists and songwriters taking the lead in embracing new technologies in support of their art.  Evolutions in technology have frequently shifted the course of creative industries.  AI will likely continue that long-standing trend.

However, that innovation must ensure that songwriters’ and recording artists’ rights, including copyrights, are respected.  For that reason, SMG’s affiliates, Sony Music Publishing (SMP) and Sony Music Entertainment (SME), on behalf of themselves and their wholly owned or controlled affiliates, are making this affirmative, public declaration confirming that, except as specifically and explicitly authorized by either SME or SMP, as the case may be, each of them expressly prohibits and opts out of any text or data mining, web scraping or similar reproductions, extractions or uses (“TDM”) of any SME and/or SMP content (including, without limitation, musical compositions, lyrics, audio recordings, audiovisual recordings, artwork, images, data, etc.) for any purposes, including in relation to training, developing or commercializing any AI system, and by any means, including by bots, scrapers or other automated processes, in each case to the full extent permitted by applicable law in all relevant jurisdictions.  This declaration reaffirms and is without prejudice to all of SMP’s and/or SME’s prior rights reservations and their respective legal rights, all of which are expressly reserved.  SME’s and SMP’s rights reservations apply to all existing and future SME and SMP content, including those creative works that may be identified through publicly available means or listed from time to time in databases such as those maintained by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) and the [International Confederation of Music Publishers (ICMP).]

Inquiries regarding AI training permissions and related issues can be sent to aitrainingpermission@sonymusic.com and/or aitrainingpermission@sonymusicpub.com, as appropriate.


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