曾被喻為「中國巴菲特」、協助芒格(Charles Munge)管理數十億美元的家族資產的李祿(Li Lu)在社文媒體發悼念文,芒格稱的離世對全球財經界來說是一個巨大的損失,他的智慧和價值觀將繼續影響世界,激勵人們追求道德和智慧。
李祿在文中指,芒格離世該周的星期二,他正在亞洲出差,接到芒格家人的電話,獲告知芒格已是彌留之際。 他跳上了下一班飛往加州的航班,並在出發前透過芒格女兒的幫助與他進行了交談。雖然芒格本上已經失去了知覺,但他仍能清楚地聽到他試圖發出聲音,表示聽到了李祿的聲音。 著陸後,他得知芒格幾小時前就離世。
芒格家人告訴李祿,就在幾天前的感恩節晚餐上還是那麼幽默風趣,而李祿當日再次參觀了芒格家的圖書館。李祿文中指,20年前就在那個房間裡,在感恩節後的一個週末下午,在兩人共同的朋友Ron Olson的介紹下,他和芒格第一次進行了長達數小時的深入交談。

他指芒格的遺產和影響將世代相傳:他堅持以最合乎道德的方式賺錢,只有在立場相反的情況下,他才會心安理得地選擇另一方進行交易;芒格透過終身學習尋求世俗智慧;芒格以理性指導生活,沒有嫉妒、怨恨和自憐等心理缺陷。 他以堅忍不拔的精神面對無數逆境。

在芒格的晚年,他的思想開始在世界各地傳播,尤其是在人口最多的中國和印度。 在中國,芒格文集《窮查理的普通常識》的國語版在過去 10 年裡售出了 120 多萬冊,越來越多人將芒格視為現代儒學的化身,因為他在擁抱資本主義市場力量的同時,保持著善良和開明的生活。 隨著時間的推移,這種現代儒學的願景將對中國的現代化以及中國如何與世界其他國家互動發揮至關重要的作用。
李祿在文尾指,芒格的理論將繼續傳播、啟發並更加深刻地影響世界。 這將是他永恆的遺產。

Remembering my teacher Charlie Munger
Thursday, November 30, 2023
I was on a business trip in Asia on Tuesday when I got the call from the Munger family informing me that Charlie was in his final hours. I hopped onto the next flight I could find to California, and before departure, was able to talk to Charlie through the help of his daughter. Charlie had largely lost consciousness, but still I could clearly hear him trying to make a sound to acknowledge he had heard me. Upon landing, I learned that Charlie had left us a few hours earlier.
I arrived at his Santa Barbara home and had the opportunity to spend cherished time with family members, reminiscing about all things Charlie. Charlie was engaging, humorous and full of wit even at Thanksgiving dinner just a few days ago, family members told me.
I visited his home library again. In that very room, exactly 20 years ago, also on a post-Thanksgiving weekend afternoon, following the introduction by our mutual friend Ron Olson, Charlie and I first struck up a deep conversation which ran for several hours. It began an investment partnership that has now endured two decades. Charlie became my mentor, partner, dear friend and above all, life-long role model.
I was so deeply grateful that the Munger family made a special arrangement the next day for me to say a proper and private goodbye to Charlie.
There, lying quietly with eyes closed, Charlie looked the same as ever, peaceful and sincere with a subtle smile on his face. There was a serenity about him. For a moment, I was reminded of the Living Buddhas I once saw in the Buddhist temples of Thailand. In the Buddhist tradition, the bodies of truly enlightened monks, through life-long self-cultivation, can remain incorrupt, without any traces of mummification after death. In that moment, it is what I saw in Charlie, an enlightened sage with an incorruptible body, surrounded by a glimmer of eternal light.
Charlie was not a Buddhist. That vision can never be tested. But it is incontrovertible that his legacy and impact will live on for generations to come.
In our capitalist society, where do virtue, moral responsibility, truth-seeking and public service fit in? Charlie Munger answered these questions through his long exemplary life. He insisted on making money in the most morally sound way, entering transactions only when, if positions were reversed, he would comfortably take the other side.
He sought worldly wisdom through life-long learning. He guided life with rationality devoid of mental deficiencies such as envy, resentment and self-pity. He faced and persevered through countless adversities with stoicism and equanimity.
As he gained in wealth and stature, he showed little appetite for the trappings of that success, and instead spent his wealth on worthy causes and tirelessly spread his worldly wisdom to those who would listen, often with humor. He remained deeply engaged with family, friends, partners and the broader world with loving assiduousness through his last days.
In his later decades, Charlie Munger’s ideas began to spread across the world, particularly in the most populous countries of China and India. In China, the Mandarin language version of “Poor Charlie’s Almanack,” an anthology by and about Charlie Munger, sold over 1.2 million copies over the last 10 years. There, the educated class increasingly came to view Charlie as the embodiment of the modern-day Confucianism, maintaining a virtuous and enlightened life while embracing the market forces of capitalism.In time, that vision of modern Confucianism will be crucial for Chinese modernization and how China interacts with the rest of the world.
Charlie’s teachings will continue to spread, inspire and impact the world even more profoundly. That will be his eternal legacy.
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